Starting as a small child, Kathy was exposed to the needle arts through watching her mother stitch anything from clothing to petit point. Her interest grew as she progressed through her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Home Economics Education. With twenty years’ experience teaching needle arts at the high-school level, Kathy has found many different manners in which to show others the joy of needlework.
Seeing a need in the Palm Beach area to expose those with a passion for the needle arts to the variety of what was available, Kathy decided to open her first store in 1998 in Stuart, Florida and ultimately moving to her present location in Lake Park, Florida.
Needlepoint Alley offers a unique, curated selection of canvases, threads and other supplies along with the rare combination of instructional ability that is individually targeted to each customer’s ability and interests.
Kathy’s color sense enhances the customer’s ability to make good choices on their selection of canvases and threads.